February 26, 2023
We have received notice from the PWC Crossing Guards that they are seeing an uptick in parents dropping off their children in the middle of Mohican Road: in the travel lanes, at times while traffic is moving. In the past weeks, the crossing guards have seen parents discharge their children in the turn lane, the travel lane, within the intersection, and even right at the corner. They are asking that you stop doing this!! A safer alternative is to drive around the corner onto Seminole Road, away from the corner, and let your child out. The crossing guards can then conduct a safe crossing, with all traffic stopped, and get your child safely to school.
The crossing guard coordinator has also sent a request to the Police Department's Traffic Division about these concerns.
Students have been told since the beginning of the school year about the expectation that phones are to be put away during the instructional day, unless authorized by a teacher during class. We continue to remind them, in the morning announcements, about this expectation. We are seeing an increase of students with their cellphones out during unauthorized times. If an administrator is asked to confiscate a student's phone, a parent/guardian will be called and may be required to pick it up from the school. It will be at the discretion of the administrator whether the phone will be returned to the student at the end of the day or will require a parent pickup.
The counseling department will visit with rising 7th and rising 8th grade students on February 27th and 28th to talk about the course request process for the 23-24 school year. Students will use StudentVue to select course preferences. Course request preferences must be entered by March 10th. A tipsheet, encore course descriptions, and directions on how to complete the course request process will be available on the LRMS Counseling Canvas page starting February 27th. Reminder, course requests do not guarantee placement in the class and course requests will be entered for any students who do not complete the process during the window. Students that attend LRMS for a transfer reason other than our World Language Program will not be able to complete the course request process unless the transfer paperwork has been submitted for the 2023-24 school year. If you need assistance renewing your student's transfer, please contact Ms. Gouro at [email protected].
BOOK FAIR 3/24-3/31
The Book Fair is coming soon. Our wonderful library is seeking volunteers to help. Please use this link to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
Thursday, March 9 from 5-7PM PWCS Human Resources is hosting a Security Assistant Interview event. Register to be considered for an interview here. Candidates must have submitted a PWCS Classified/Support application. See www.pwcs.edu/employment for more information.
Tuesday, March 21, from 5:30-7PM, PWCS Human Resources is hosting a Summer Student Aide Job Fair. See flyer below.
Join the PTO for our March Meeting - Wednesday, March 1 at 6pm. Click this link to join the meeting.
LRMS PTO Board Elections
We are accepting nominations for the 2023-2025 LRMS PTO Board Officers! Officers are elected for a two-year term. If you or someone you know is interested, please fill out the nomination form. You can view the board descriptions here. If more than one person is nominated for a position, we will have a vote by ballot at the April 12 PTO Meeting. If more than one person is nominated for a position, we will have a vote by ballot at the April 12 PTO Meeting.
Monday, February 27th - vs. Benton - HOME
Wednesday, March 1st - @ Beville - AWAY
Girl's Basketball:
Monday, February 27th - @ Benton - AWAY
Wednesday, March 1st - vs. Beville - HOME
For live, up-to-date game information or anything Lake Ridge Athletics, follow our Athletic Twitter page @lrmssports
NO BAG POLICY FOR ALL INDOOR EVENTS: PWCS enacted a no-bag policy for all indoor events (athletics, music concerts, plays, etc.) at the middle school level. This is in alignment with the policy currently in place at all high schools. This includes backpacks, purses, camera equipment bags, etc. Small wallet-sized clutch bags, clear diaper bags, and medically necessary bags are permitted. These bags may be subject to search. This policy went into effect for indoor events at all middle schools on Monday, January 10, 2022. Our school will have a plan in place to secure any bookbags, for participating students, as needed during events. We will not be responsible for securing bags from any attendees. You will be asked to leave your bag in your car or take it home. Signage will be posted to remind attendees prior to arriving at the ticket area. We thank you in advance for adhering to this policy and look forward to having you with us to cheer on our students.
For those students and staff members that have not pre-ordered a yearbook yet, yearbooks can be pre-ordered through our school website; simply follow the links for the yearbook order.
Monday is a "B" day.
Jim Dutrow
Lake Ridge Middle School